Monday 15 July 2013


Grown in pots....

Courgettes are an easy vegetable to grow and they're quite versatile with regard to their environment too.  From my point of view the only problem is I'm not keen on their taste, but many people love them - besides, I can always make chutney. 

Courgettes can be grown in pots, or in the ground and whilst all vegetables like the sun any bright warm place out of the wind will do for these.

Baby courgettes are growing...

The other great thing about these ants are the double whammy you can get with regard to the flowers. The male flower doesn't grow into a courgette, so it can be covered in a nice tempura batter and deep fried. Now that I do like.  

As with other veggies and especially those grown in pots, just feed them regularly, keep the snails away and water them as often as required. Enjoy some this summer - it's not too late.