Sunday 4 August 2013

August Veggie Jobs

August - it's pretty much a time for harvesting and ensuring that your vegetables survive the heatwave, or sudden downpours of rain, sustained attacks from butterflies, rabbits or slugs. 

Seriously though, August is definitely a time for reaping what you have sown - the long, hot days are just made for the salad produce you have laboured over, but there are jobs that can be done to clear the time ahead and to ensure that you get the most from your vegetable are a list of mine...

  • Clear all beds as the plants finish their work, if you don't then any slugs, diseases, blights etc have a free reign within the pile of rotting detritus.
  • Keep picking beans, many plants will keep producing flowers if you do.
  • Feed the tomatoes, chilies, squashes, courgettes, beans salads - well everything really
  • water potted plants EVERY DAY. Even if it rains.
  • Start to think about where you are going to plant Winter Cabbages, Broad Beans, Early Broccoli etc
  • Tidy up around you - it's much easier than in the cold Winter months (I'm particularly bad at this...)
But most of all - enjoy the summer and enjoy your reward....