This time last year I was on the wonderful Island of Madeira - a week of warmth, motivation and rest. The break seemed to set me up for the year and left me with some very wonderful memories - you can read about some of it HERE
This year, I feel just as motivated but for several very different reasons. Forgive me if I don't go into too much detail here but I promise to gradually, and tantalisingly release information as and when I feel the time is right. There are many changes happening all at once which can be stressful but I feel that 2014 is looking full of promise and hope - I certainly hope so and although it is early days I do see a good looking year stretching ahead.
I hope also to share more foraging tips as well as recipes, some fishing exploits and some gardening hints that I pick up along the way. I do hope that my readers will continue to watch this space and continue to read my inexpert ramblings, my inadequate grasp of the meaning of life and my ill-advised attempts at witty banter.
A Happy New Year to you all - again.